Dr Georgia Tanou

Dr Georgia Tanou

Researcher of Fruit Tree Physiology

Phone Nr: 2310 473429 (Internal. 201), +30 6947721402 

E-mail: gtanou@swri.gr

Web-site: www.researchgate.net/profile/Georgia-Tanou

Dr. Georgia Tanou is researcher of Fruit Tree Physiology and Nutrition at Hellenic Agricultural Organisation Demeter. She graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Division of Agriculture after majoring in the field of ‘Horticulture’. She continued her post-graduate studies, and she was awarded her MSc and PhD degree in the field of ‘Horticultural Science-Plant Phyiology and biochemistry’. During her thesis and afterwards, she was trained at the field of proteomics at Laboratoire Mixte CNRS-Bayer Cropscience UMR 2847, Lyon (France). During her studies she has been awarded six times by scholarship of excellence by A.U.Th and by the State Scholarship Foundation. She has coordinated 16 research projects, while she has been member of the research scientific team at 25 research projects and also in 2 European COST Actions in the field of Fruit Tree Physiology and Post-Harvest Fruit Physiology. She has been lecturer under contract for Greek universities (2004-2011 and 2017-2018) in the courses of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Fruit Tree Biology and Post-harvest Physiology. She is author of 67 scientific articles in SCI journals, 3 book chapters and 115 publications in International and National Scientific conferences. Her publication record has received 2563 citations corresponding to h index: 31. In addition, she represents Greece in INPPO (International Plant Proteomics Organization; www.inppo.org) and is a reviewer of articles in SCI International Scientific Journals.